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Historical Solomon, Biblical Solomon

Historical Solomon, Biblical Solomon
A later foundational date might explain why and how, when writing what we now call the ot, the authors appear to have accurately described tactics and technologies present in warfare in their own time - as they set the story in a mythical far-past. Such is the nature of the "historic reliability" of the text so many nuts crow about without knowing how damaging it actually is to their underlying beliefs about accuracy or inerrancy.

Historical Solomon, Biblical Solomon
Correct.  It is a common observation that ancient writers used stories from the past to comment on their own times.


Quote:Much of what we know of Rome in the first century comes from its writers. Like writers before and since, those in Rome were a product of their time.

Their work tells us about the politics, society and culture in which they lived, even if they did not mean to do so.

Livy, living at the time of Augustus, wrote about conflicts between early Rome and other local villages as if they were "wars." In reality, they would have been stick-swinging riots between miserable collections of mud huts but Livy was an unashamed moralist always looking to portray "ancient" Roman virtues as superior to those of his day.
Robert G. Ingersoll : “No man with a sense of humor ever founded a religion.”

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