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Are Civil War reinactments racist? Southern Belle heritage?

Are Civil War reinactments racist? Southern Belle heritage?
As long as the south continues to lose, we'll be alright.

Are Civil War reinactments racist? Southern Belle heritage?
(08-23-2020, 07:01 PM)LastPoet Wrote:
(08-21-2020, 06:47 PM)Minimalist Wrote: And free shipping, no less.

I went on a monument and museum trip around Portugal these vacations. In Tomar, after reading some well kept texts of the templars (our king at the time found a loophole to save them from the pope's wrath, meaning death by fire), i had the oportunity to wear a full templar armor. Chain mail, helmet, sword and shield plus the mantle. The whole shebang should weight 100 pounds. And I was only doing it for trying it  out, damn imagine marching with all that shit.

They trained since they were kids and with training came also stenght. They were not "big & pumped" like body building guys but they were strong, the size of their muscles was limited but the amount of fod they got

For the roman legionaires: they were really good a marching, marching was more important than combating. Theis combat tatic were easy (how to make and keep formation and the piston moement with the gladius, from bottom to up, no fancy gladius wielding, just the arm that poked out from the shield wall and make a stab moement aiming for the belly or the arteria femoralis) and the most of their training was related to marching and build fortified camps, bridges etc.

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