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Replies per thread: 57.96
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World News, Politics and Current Events
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Word association thread (25,267 replies)
The trump chronicles (topical thread) (17,503 replies)
What are you doing right now? (13,138 replies)
Political Memes (12,116 replies)
Food!!! What are you eating today??! (11,372 replies)
Coronavirus spreads. But don't panic! (topical thread) (10,369 replies)
The U.S. Presidential Election (topical thread) (7,794 replies)
debate solely through the memes....cats, dogs and pets you love (7,233 replies)
Letter change game (5,811 replies)
Historical Jesus, Biblical Jesus (5,207 replies)
2020 US candidates (5,108 replies)
Ukraine (Topical thread) (4,646 replies)
What are you listening to? (3,825 replies)
What are you currently watching on YouTube? (3,552 replies)
Political Watch (3,108 replies)
Political Memes (1,026,551 views)
What are you doing right now? (978,113 views)
The trump chronicles (topical thread) (921,481 views)
Word association thread (847,013 views)
debate solely through the memes....cats, dogs and pets you love (752,028 views)
Food!!! What are you eating today??! (731,662 views)
2020 US candidates (613,931 views)
Coronavirus spreads. But don't panic! (topical thread) (600,684 views)
Historical Jesus, Biblical Jesus (590,003 views)
The U.S. Presidential Election (topical thread) (586,482 views)
Letter change game (522,417 views)
Post a pic of yourself ... or a pic you took ... (479,881 views)
The Ranting Corner 2.0 (350,816 views)
Random thoughts - Mk II (334,279 views)
What are you listening to? (333,249 views)