This is an extremely in-depth (and lengthy!) report about
current religious views in Australia. Don't be put off by
its length though, as a lot of it is presented as infographics.
Although it's widely comprehensive, I actually—as a mature,
lifelong atheist—disagree with many of the data points.
The Changing Faith Landscape of Australia.
When it uses the term "builders", apparently they're the
demographic whose preference for reverence per se
is based on an overemphasis on the transcendence of God.
current religious views in Australia. Don't be put off by
its length though, as a lot of it is presented as infographics.
Although it's widely comprehensive, I actually—as a mature,
lifelong atheist—disagree with many of the data points.
The Changing Faith Landscape of Australia.
When it uses the term "builders", apparently they're the
demographic whose preference for reverence per se
is based on an overemphasis on the transcendence of God.
I'm a creationist; I believe that man created God.