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The Bible Code(s) - Fact or Fiction?
The Bible Code(s) - Fact or Fiction?
I've posted this thread in order to avoid further muddying
the water of Huggy Bear's thread, "Vicarious redemption
is immoral!" A case of anti-theist hypocrisy
, in which
Inkubus briefly cited the supposed biblical code scenario.

It's posted as a debunking of any absurd biblical codes by
pointing out that any lengthy document—even modern-day
ones—can exhibit the same sorts of codes as alleged to
be apparent in the Bible.

Quote:At https://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Legal/Pag...heSea.aspx one can find  
the full text of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed in 1982.

We shall look for messages "encoded" in this document.

To make the experiment somewhat Hebrew-like, we
will ignore all vowels and treat upper- and lowercase
letters as the same.

This document (stripped down to its consonants) has
some remarkable ELSs (equidistant letter sequences).
The probabilities I will give are those of finding EVEN
ONE example in a text formed from this by randomly
shuffling the letters.

This Convention is a primary source of international law
relating to oceans and waterways. In fact, if you read it,
you HeaR aLL THe LaW oF THe Sea (start=190588, skip=
15290, prob=0.000095). In other words, the probability
that this sentence appears in the document at all is 95
out of one million.

Many other ELSs of very low probability can be found, but
I will content myself with exploring this question: Why was
this Convention signed? The cynic might say it was just that
NaTo NeeD aN aGReeMeNT oN THe Sea, (start=88311, skip=
3404, prob=0.000021), but the truth is more mundane.

After all, the world fishing industry benefits more than anyone.
Yes, this was just a SaFe uN oCeaN CoNVeNTioN To eNCLoSe
TuNa, (start=144491, skip-2066, prob=0.000000001) (IE: one
in 1 billion).

I have found very good “predictions” of famous assassinations
in the English text of Moby Dick (including vowels). This
meets a direct challenge by Mr. Drosnin.  Included are Trotsky,
Ghandi, Robert Kennedy, and ten others. Each is at least as good
as Mr Drosnin’s example. Of course, I also have a “prediction”
of the murder of Drosnin himself.
   —Brendan McKay, Computer Science Department,
      Australian National University, NSW
I'm a creationist;   I believe that man created God.
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The Bible Code(s) - Fact or Fiction?
(08-04-2024, 03:16 AM)SYZ Wrote: I've posted this thread in order to avoid further muddying
the water of Huggy Bear's thread, in which
Inkubus briefly cited the supposed biblical code scenario.

I did what? Your sarcasm detector's fucked.

The Bible Code(s) - Fact or Fiction?
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