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US Evangelical Christianity, The Second Coming of Christ and Israel |
Posted by: Dexta - 01-27-2025, 09:11 AM - Forum: Atheism & Theism
- Replies (31)
Last night I watched a...scary...documentary. It seems that wealthy US Evangelicals are pumping billions of dollars arming Israel to the teeth in support of its manifest expansionary trajectory. The Evangelicals seem to think that if Israel takes full control of Jerusalem and the surrounding area it will usher in the end times and the second coming of Christ. Many seem to be actively, fanatically, trying to bring about the apocalypse (rivers of blood etc) so that Jesus will return to the "land of the Jews."
Apparently there are around 100,000,000 Evangelicals in the USA, 30% of the voting population, and they have extended their tendrils of influence into many branches of government and the military. In his first term, Trump moved the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In his second term he as already said he wants to clean out Gaza of Palestinians. The prayer and bible study groups, held in the white house, with Trump, lead by Evangelical "superstar" pastors are well known.
When 9/11 happened I bought into the conspiracy theories - I just couldn't believe people would be so fanatical in their religious beliefs that they'd carry out such suicidal barbarism in the modern world. I know better now, and this documentary, well, I think the Evangelicals really do want that End Times bloodbath to bring about the second coming.
I think we atheists need to be more outspoken - religion is scary shit and needs to go.
The documentary is called called "Praying for Armageddon" and is available on iPlayer (UK). Here's a trailer:
What Is The Actual Point? |
Posted by: KingEric - 01-26-2025, 12:55 PM - Forum: Philosophy and Ethics
- Replies (77)
I started thinking about this in my teens and it's never gone away.
No matter what anyone does in life ultimately it's pointless. I can't get away from this train of thought no matter how much time goes by.
People say that you have to find your own purpose/happiness which is fine and I can do that day to day but still with an underlying feeling of ( I don't even know what feeling.)
I look around at other people who are going about their daily lives and wonder if they ever give it a second thought. I think of all the people who have lived and died and all those who are to live and die on this planet all ending up the same way. This is probably why I can understand the people who get caught up in one religion or another, but buying into that to try and answer the question is futile. Even if the point in all of this is somehow god based it still doesn't answer the question.
I have no choice but to accept that whatever I accomplish in life is pointless because of the way I'm wired up, so I guess I'm asking if I'm wired up correctly?
The Experience of Man in 150 Art Objects |
Posted by: AutisticWill - 01-24-2025, 03:21 AM - Forum: Movies, Television, Art and Literature
- Replies (19)
Art Highlights collection of 2025 [not a finished, final, version].
This collection supersedes and replaces Art Highlights 2024, which is no longer available.
This is a curated collection, that tells a story through the evolution of the objects and the comprehensiveness of the emotional experiences they collectively exhibit.
I want your guys' feedback. I'm 3 over. What should be excluded? What should be included? Should I bump it up to 200 art objects?
[Nevermind the spelling mistakes and intercalated numbering; it saves time to keep it that way while i'm still working.]
I really want meaningful discussion.
Thank you.
White People Doing Farmwork? |
Posted by: Minimalist - 01-23-2025, 05:55 PM - Forum: History
- Replies (14)
It was tried in 1965. If failed miserably then. Can you imagine trying to do it with today's cell-phone obsessed neurotics?
Quote:When The U.S. Government Tried To Replace Migrant Farmworkers With High Schoolers
Quote:The year was 1965. On Cinco de Mayo, newspapers across the country reported that Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz wanted to recruit 20,000 high schoolers to replace the hundreds of thousands of Mexican agricultural workers who had labored in the United States under the so-called Bracero Program. Started in World War II, the program was an agreement between the American and Mexican governments that brought Mexican men to pick harvests across the U.S. It ended in 1964, after years of accusations by civil rights activists like Cesar Chavez that migrants suffered wage theft and terrible working and living conditions.
But farmers complained — in words that echo today's headlines — that Mexican laborers did the jobs that Americans didn't want to do, and that the end of the Bracero Program meant that crops would rot in the fields.
Chew toy awards - Gnawminations [2025] |
Posted by: Mathilda - 01-23-2025, 10:00 AM - Forum: Atheism & Theism
- Replies (26)
Introducing nominations gnawminations for the 2025 Chew toy awards.
At the end of the year we'll get to vote on our favourite chew toy, the worst ones, the funniest, most stupid etc. All members of the forum in good standing will be allowed to vote. This thread is to keep track of all contenders so we can remind ourselves of their posting history when we come to decide. Feel free to add your own comments to this thread.
Chew toy must be banned in the year of the award to be eligible.
And So It Begins... |
Posted by: Charladele - 01-20-2025, 10:15 PM - Forum: World News, Politics and Current Events
- Replies (209)
This is a thread to record all the dumbass changes Trump makes to tear the country apart.
Day 1:
-Pulls the US out of the Paris Agreement on Climate change...again.
-Writing executive order that from now on the state will only recognize two genders.
I can see that that second one is only an inch away from proclaiming that people can only be the gender that they are born with, and make it illegal to transition into the opposite gender. I fear for all my bi and transgender brothers and sisters out there.